Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Things that make me HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

In a couple of days, I will be, with some Awesome friends, starting the 100 Days of Happiness challenge(Link at the end).. Basically it's about being aware of what brings you joy and finding something every day that does.. then taking a picture of it and sharing it.

I haven't even started, but already I am becoming more aware of the things in life that make me smile on a day to day basis.. the trouble is, a lot of this stuff, you can't really take pictures of.

For example... Today, it was a beautiful day.. I opted to walk and bus as opposed to driving. I was standing in the sunshine, waiting for the bus, rocking to some great music and feeling fantastic..It was great, just not something I could really take a picture of.
I did get a really cool Jann Arden pin, from a kind friend.. That will be a picture(My MP3 player has Mucho Jann Arden :-)
Later while waiting in line at a variety store, the kid in front of me(17ish) was trying to buy a $2.00 Slurpee, but was having trouble with his bank card. After his 3rd try I was about to step in and say that I'd cover it, when the woman behind the counter, said in a very thick accent.. "Don't worry about it, you're in here all the time, just pay me the next time you're in."... The kid didn't understand, because I think he was in such shock over her act of kindness(Many store owners aren't exactly teenager friendly). She repeated herself and he smiled, thanked her, took his drink and was on his way. I told her she totally made my day by her kindness, because she truly had.
Again, not something I could really take a picture of(It's just creepy for some random guy to ask to take your picture, I'm sure LOL).

So what makes me happy that I could take a photo of? Let's see; First would have to be my 3 amazing children, each so different from each other, and each with their own brand of Awesome that makes me proud to be their Father every day.

I have the most Amazing Girlfriend who is brilliant and beautiful, who has the kindest heart of anyone I have ever met, and even when were apart, the fact that she's there brings me smiles every day. 

I have a wonderfully kind and supportive family, My Mom, Brother and Sister.

I have a very cool job, and work with people who are more than co workers, they are my friends.

I have a Zoo of furry animals(one with feathers), that greet me at the door every day, and curl up with me to watch horribly cheesy movies(and a generous amount of Dr. Who :-) every evening. They make me happy(You know... Most of the time LOL).

I have so much to be grateful for, and so much in my life that makes me happy.... I'm looking forward to discovering, perhaps those happy things that I'm not so aware of, or those I've been taking for granted...

I'll keep you posted.. :o)

Peace Kiddies            <<<<<<< Link :-)

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