Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's an New Year, Lets make it Awesome :-)

Another years ends and a new one begins...

The New Year is always a time for perspective, figuring out what went wrong, assessing whether it was a good year or not. and what we'd like to change for the upcoming one.

And, with every New Year, comes the endless goals and resolutions from all of us(Yes, me included), so in my January 1st, 2014 Blog, I thought maybe I could toss out a different approach.

WHAT IF.... We all looked in the mirror, and loved who we saw. 
WHAT IF we loved every wrinkle and every pound, 
WHAT IF we looked at our flaws with the same love we use when we see a child struggling to walk. 
WHAT IF we were all grateful for EVERYTHING in that reflection.
WHAT IF we looked in that mirror and said... "You Big(Or little), wrinkled (or Young)... messy haired, unorganized, Fabulous Human Being... You ARE Good Enough, You ARE Smart Enough, and Darn-it... I LOVE YOU!!!!!

And Then( as if part one isn't amazing enough)... Instead of making resolutions to change that magnificent being in the mirror. WHAT IF, We thought to ourselves... "How Can I Make The World a Better Place!!!!!!!"

There are so many ways;

We can volunteer, we can give to noble organizations (Like  the Food Bank), We can LEARN, and spread awareness, We can LOVE those who feel unlovable. There are The Poor, The Homeless,  and People with Who have Emotional or Psych issues that need others who are aware and can help, even support them.
There's the "Breakfast for Kids" programs at most schools, and we can't forget Literacy.

Don't like People? There are animals who need foster homes, or organizations that need Dog & Cat food, and Shelters that need volunteers.

And it can be FUN!!!!  

We can share it with friends, our loved ones, our significant others, and I will tell you first hand.. You want to meet new people? Start spreading Kindness, and just see the amazing folks that cross your path.

It's even ok if we're just doing it to be selfish, What do I mean by that? Well, if there is one thing that I have learned it's that kindness feels GOOD, No Nix that, it feels GREAT!!!!!

There it is... It's one of those things in life, where everyone wins, and there are not nearly enough of those...

Something to think about. 

Happy New Years You Fabulous Human Beings :-) 

Peace Kiddies


  1. Another great, thought-provoking, and inspiring blog, Mike--thanks for sharing your thoughts. You write from the heart & are such a great example of making this world a better place! May 2014 bring you many special blessings :)

  2. Thank You Very much My very kind friend... Happy New years to you and the "R" Man(Names have been omitted to protect the Awesome :-) )
