Saturday, May 29, 2010

No Date

Humans are a funny creature.....We want what we don't have.... If it's a hot summer day, we want it to be cool... a cold winter day? and we miss the hot balmy humid days of summer....
I have wanted a place where I can just spout off what ever pops into my head... so I create this blog... and guess what? I've got nothing to say.. I should have thought of this years ago... It may have shut me up before I got myself into trouble LOL..
I turned 43 last week.. Not very traumatic...The 40's seem to be a time of just dealing with life.. I don't really think about going back to school anymore... hard to work out University and a Mortgage payment.. I don't think I'll become a hip cool, computer programmer... or a teacher....or own my own pet food store(well I do still think of that one now and then hehe)... It's more like, this is what I do... and It's not a bad gig... I work in social services.
My daughter turned 10 on the weekend.... She sometimes gets sad at the prospect of getting older... At 10, she's losing some of that little girl charm, that captures the attention of friends and women at the shopping mall alike...School gets harder, and there is more expected of her in her day to day life....So sometimes, she will say that she wishes she didn't have to grow up...
I tell her, that every year .. as she gets older.. she leaves things behind.. part of her childhood...And she picks up new things to replace them. A few years ago.. it was Sesame street, and BRATZ dolls... Now she loves to do crafts, and she cooks like an Iron Chef... All stuff she enjoys... so we sit together and wonder what being 10 will bring.. I think it's the same for the rest of us... Would I want to be 21 again? Hell Yeah.. I was slimmer... had more energy.. and was still young enough, that I considered myself pretty much immortal.. But that doesn't change the fact, that I really like the 43 year old version of me a whole lot more than me when i was 21....I'm calmer now, more seasoned... I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to say I'm wiser.. But i do know more.. Mike @ 21 was trying to impress the world.... Mike @ 43 doesn't really give a crap what the world thinks....He likes himself just fine...
What will 43 bring with it? Well a couple of failed diets.. and probably a few extra pounds to prove the point... A class in pottery, and one in knitting(I'd like to learn to make something besides scarves).. 43 will bring the exciting conclusion of "The Dark Tower" series... Rachel(My little girl) and I, will learn what happens to Sara Crew.. and we'll read adventures from a host of other authors. Some friends will go their way... and new ones will be discovered ....Logan(My 15 year old).. will have a birthday, and probably get his license(yeach....), He will stand taller and perhaps grow to be even more awesome than he already is(if that is even possible), and Mitch (18) will continue to dazzle me with his depth of thought and wisdom....
43 sounds like it will be a good year.. Just like all the rest.... leave some things behind... and find new things along the way.....

Peace Kiddies

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